The days are growing shorter, the nights chillier. All the kids have gone back to school. Fall is nearing.
What I loved about going back to school when I was a kid? Not too much obviously, but going to the paper store and getting a stack of new and shiny school things had a certain appeal. I was really untidy back then (in fact sometimes I still have a hard time tidying up) and the wonderfully smooth, clean and crisp covers of my composition notebooks never stayed that way for long.
Every now and then my watercolor paint-box was so beat up I needed a new one and the rows of perfect, smooth and shiny paint pots were a marvel, made complete by a tiny tube of gouache. Each time I made a resolution to keep this one clean at all times. I even remember trying for a little while; cleaning the casing, wiping out the pots after mixing colors. I didn't manage for long though. Soon everything was back to normal: color all over the casing, the tube of gouache lost etc.
When I got another watercolor paint-box last year my approach had changed a bit. I had learned to appreciate signs of use and see their beauty. What has remained though is a love for color palettes.
These are ribbon pagemarkers and end bands for bookbinding. The end bands go at the top and the bottom of the book block, near the spine. It makes the book look nicer and to a degree hides irregularities in the binding.
An eBay seller offered a selection of those in various color ranges. I love ideas like these, you can try all the colors but don't burden yourself with huge quantities.
I'm not sure if I'll ever use the fuchsia. Silver and white are no-brainers I guess.
Sometimes I just love organizing these things and getting ideas for projects to come. I cut some scrap cardboard into makeshift bobbins so I could store them neatly wrapped and sorted instead of stuffing them into a plastic bag.
I should order more orange, it's almost gone.
Also I need to use turquoise, petrol, white, cream... sheesh.
Also my bookbinding yarns were all over the place until this perfect glass jar showed up in the kitchen.
Do you like color palettes and do you like to organize your stuff? What exactly and why?
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